Get All Sales
Get All Sales
Resource URL /v3
Query Parameters
Name | Values | Description |
filters |
**Optional Parameter**. Default is no filtering. Filter criteria that will be used to refine the set of transactions that are returned. Each filter compares a sales transaction property to one of the following values: - A single value Syntax: `property:value`. For example, if the transaction takes a single value (an event ID) then the filter will show the following values: `filters=EVENT:768543` - List of values For filters that take a list of values, the syntax for specifying a list of property values is: `property: value1 value2 ... valueN` For example, if the transaction takes a list of values (234567, 334567, and 434567) , then the filter will show the following values: `filters=LISTINGIDS:234567 334567 434567` - Range of values For the filters that take a range of values, use the TOoperator to specify the range. The syntax for specifying a range of property values looks like this: `property: value1 TO value2` For example, for all transactions initiated between March 1, 2016 and June 5, 2016 (inclusive) the filter shows the following values: `filters=STATUS:ACTIVE,EVENTDATE:2015-03-01 TO 2015-06-05` Multiple filters are separated by the reserved word AND (case sensitive). For example, the following code filters for specific listingIds and filters for a date-of-sale range for those listings: `filters=LISTINGIDS:234567 334567 434567 AND SALEDATE:2015-06-01 TO 2015-06-05` **Available filter attributes**: - SALEDATE: [fromSaleDate TO toSaleDate] Get all sales up to this date (max of 90 days) [eg: SALEDATE:[2013-06-01 TO NOW] or SALEDATE:[2013-06-01 TO 2013-06-30] or SALEDATE:2013-06-01] - SALEID: [sapce seperated SaleIds] - STATUS: [space separated STATUS] Possible values are PENDING, CONFIRMED, SHIPPED, DELIVERED, SUBSOFFERED, CANCELLED, DELIVERYEXCEPTION, ONHOLD, PENDINGREVIEW - LISTINGIDS: [space separated ListingIds] - EXTERNALLISTINGIDS: [space separated external ListingIds] - EVENT: EventId - EVENTDATE: [fromEventDate TO toEventDate] - DATELASTMODIFIED: [yyyy-MM-dd TO yyyy-MM-dd] OR [yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssTOyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss] - PRICE: [fromTicketPrice TO toTicketPrice] - QUANTITY: [fromSoldQuantity TO toSoldQuantity] - DELIVERYOPTION: [space separated deliveryOption] Possible DELIVERYOPTION Values: BARCODE, PDF, UPS, FEDEX, LMS, ROYALMAIL, DEUTSCHEPOST, WILLCALL, FLASHSEAT, COURIER, MOBILE_TICKET, LOCALDELIVERY, EXTERNAL_TRANSFER, OTHER - VENUEID: venueId - GENREID: genreId - ACTION: action of sales, single value Possible values: GENERATE, REPRINT, UPLOAD, ENTER, COURIER, PROOF |
sort |
**Optional Parameter** A pair of space-separated tokens that specifies how the sales transactions are sorted. - First token identifies property of the sales transactions for sorting. You can specify any one of the following properties for the first token: EVENT, SALEDATE, EVENTDATE, QUANTITY, PRICE, STATUS, DELIVERYOPTION, SALECATEGORY, PAYOUT, INHANDDATE, SECTION, ROW - Second token specifies the direction of the sort - `Asc` for ascending order, `Desc` for descending order Syntax: `property Asc/Desc` Example: - Single Value Sort: `sort=EVENTDATE Desc` to sort by descending order of event dates. - Multiple Values Sort: `sort=SALEDATE Asc,QUANTITY Desc,PRICE Asc` In this example, the parameters are sorted in the following order: - By sale start date (in ascending order); - If any transactions have the same start date, then they are sorted by quantity (in descending order); - If any transactions are identical in both the start date and quantity, then they are sorted by the price (in ascending order). |
start |
Index of the first sales transaction, within the filtered and sorted set. Indices are 0-based i.e., the syntax for specifying the first sale is `start=0` |
rows |
Number of transactions you wish to retrieve. Default is 200, which is also the maximum number of rows that will be returned by the API at a time |
includeVenueSummary |
If true, will populate venueSummary in response |
includeGenreSummary |
If true, will populate genreSummary in response |
includeEventSummary |
If true, will populate eventSummary in response |
Header Parameters
Name | Values | Description |
(required) |
To generate an access token, use the [generateToken API]( Note that you will need to add a 'Bearer ' prefix to your access token. Otherwise, you'll get an 'Invalid Access Token' error |
(required) |
application/json |
Request Body
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Response Error Details
HTTP CodeError CodeDescription
Not Found
Not authorized to access the listing
Resource Summary |
Security |
Content Type |
application/json |
Category |
Get All Sales |