Find Listings

Find Listings


Find Listings

Search inventory for an event on StubHub

Resource URL /find/listings/v3/

Query Parameters

Name Values Description

Event Id


**Optional Parameter**. Default is `currentprice asc` A pair of space-separated tokens that specifies how the listings are sorted. - First token identifies property of the listing for sorting. For the first token, you can specify any one of the following properties: `currentprice`, `quantity`, `row`, `sectionname` - Second token specifies the direction of the sort. For the second token, you can specify one of the following types - `asc` for ascending order, `desc` for descending order Syntax: `property asc` or `property desc` If you do not provide this parameter. the default is the listings are sorted by current price in ascending order (`sort=currentprice asc`) You can also sort multiple fields with a statement like this: `sort=currentprice asc, row desc` **Note**: If a ticket has a section that is not mapped to any section in a venue, it appears at the bottom of the list if you use the `sectionname` sort. Examples: - Single Value Sort: `sort=currentprice desc` to sort the listings in their descending order of price. - Multiple Values Sort: `sort=currentprice asc, quantity desc, row asc` In this example, the parameters are sorted in the following order: - By price (in ascending order); - If any listings have the same price, then they are sorted by quantity (in descending order); - If any listings are identical in both price and quantity, then they are sorted by the row name (in ascending order).


The `start` and `rows` parameters specify the page of listings, within the filtered and sorted set, that you wish to retrieve. - `start` is the index of the first listing that will be returned. Indices are 0-based. - `rows` is the maximum number of listings that will be returned. The actual number that are returned may be fewer than this value. Listings are filtered and sorted before they are paginated. For example, if an event has 1000 listings, but only 135 of them match the filter criteria, and if you only want to retrieve 50 listings at a time, you would invoke this operation three times with start and rows defined as: - `start=0&rows=50` - `start=50&rows=50` - `start=100&rows=50` The first two invocations will return 50 listings each; the third invocation will return the final 35.


See `start` parameter for details


This field represents the minimum ticket price for the search criteria. If this field is provided, then only listings greater than the minimum price will be considered and returned. Only these listings will be considered for aggregated data like pricingSummary, sectionSummary, and zoneSummary.


This field represents the maximum ticket price for the search criteria. If this field is provided, then only listings less than the maximum price will be considered and returned. Only these listings will be considered for aggregated data like pricingSummary, sectionSummary, and zoneSummary.


Comma seperated sectionIDs can be used to return only those listings whose `sectionId` is one of the sections in the `sectionIdList`. Only those listings will be used in generating the aggregated section summary, pricing summary and zone summary. **NOTE**: You may specify no more than 10 sections.


Comma separated zoneIDs. E.g., `zoneIdList=a,b,c,d,e`. There is a cap of a list size of 10 zoneIDs


If quantity is provided, then only those listings which can be bought in that quantity will be returned. For example, consider a listing that contains six tickets, but only sells them in groups of three. - If you specify 'quantity=4', then the listing won't be returned. But, - If you specify 'quantity=>4' (i.e., 'quantity equals or more than 4'), the listing will be returned. Of course, the listing will not let you buy four tickets – you would have to buy six tickets, which is the next higher multiple of 3.


**Optional Parameter** Comma seperated list of IDs for listing attributes. A listing can have zero or many attributes such as Aisle Seat, Lawn Seats, Obstructed View, Parking Pass Included, etc. Only those listings that have **ALL** the attributes provided in the listingAttributeList will be considered in the response. **NOTE**: A 'listing attribute' is the same thing as a 'ticket trait'


We have categorized the top listing attributes used to 6 broad categories - 1 = Obstructed View - 2 = Wheelchair Accessible - 3 = Alcohol-Free Sections - 4 = Parking Pass Included - 5 = Exclude Piggyback Seats - 6 = Aisle For example, if you only want to retrieve listings that are in 'alcohol-free sections', use `listingAttributeCategoryList=3`. Similar to listingAttributeList, only those listings that have **ALL** of these listingAttributeCategoryIds for a given listing will be considered in the response.


Unlike listingAttributecategoryList, only those listings that didn't include any of the listingAttributeCategoryIDs in the list will be considered in the response.


Comma separated delivery types. Only those listings that have at least one of the delivery types (with an end date in the future) will be considered in the response. - Electronic (=1) - Electronic Instant Download (=2) - FedEx (=3) - Pickup (=4) - UPS (=5) - Royal Mail (=6) - Deutsche Post (=7) - MobileId (=8) - Mobile Ticket (=9) - External Transfer (=10) - Courier (=11) - Mobile Ticket Instant (=12) - MobileId Non Instant (=13) - Electronic and Mobile Ticket (=14) - Electronic and Mobile Ticket Instant (=15) - LocalDelivery (=16) **NOTE**: If you don't include a deliveryTypeList parameter, all delivery methods are considered.


The list of fields to be displayed in the response. This parameter can be used if you would like to fetch only a subset of the default response. Allowed values are: listingId, row, quantity, seatNumbers, section, zone, listingAttributeList, listingAttributeCategoryList, deliveryTypeList, deliveryMethodList, sellerOwnInd, faceValue.

Header Parameters

Name Values Description

To generate an access token, use the [generateToken API]( Note that you will need to add a 'Bearer ' prefix to your access token. Otherwise, you'll get an 'Invalid Access Token' error



Request Body

HTTP Basic

OAuth 2.0



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Response Error Details

  • HTTP Code
    Error Code
  • 404

    Incorrect event ID, or event is invalid / expired

  • 401

    Not authorized to access the listing

  • 403


  • 400

    Bad request

Resource Summary


Content Type

